Tag marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Local Search Engine Optimization

Have you ever asked yourself, “what is search engine optimization?” What’s the difference between regular SEO and local SEO? Do you know the difference and are you paying the right agency to do it? Do you know how to reach your local market if your business depends on geographical business? If you’re not optimizing locally and already running Search Engine Optimization (SEO), then you’re hurting yourself drastically. 

Help Customers Find You When They Need Your Services 

People automatically hop on Google if they don’t have a personal referral for a service or product they’re needing.  Even if they do, they’re researching the company to make sure the referral they’ve been given is competent and a good fit for them.  96% of people use online reviews from multiple sources to decide what business they want to choose as their provider.  The magical thing that happens when you pair reviews with search engine optimization and do it with an agency that has your best interest in mind, your business will start growing because you’re being seen more often by your target market.  Your reputation and your strategy revolving around this fact about human behavior will help you reach your ideal client because they’ll be contacting YOU instead of having to chase them. Imagine all the time you’ll get back in your life! What’s the price to pay if you ignore it?

Optimizing Your Website for Sales and Ranking

Do you know how to optimize your website to rank highly by Google and other search engines?  Are you telling a story for your potential customers as well as the robots scraping your website deciding where you should be ranked? If you’re not optimizing your current content, and adding more content consistently, you know, keeping things FRESH, you’ll become irrelevant. 

When you’re irrelevant with a bad reputation, Google pushes you down in search engine ranking results and drives down revenue.  Do you know what Search Engine Optimization is and why you need it for your business? If you don’t have both a long term and short term marketing plan for your business, then you may be shooting yourself in the proverbial foot.  Don’t wait until you’re stressing about where your next client is coming from.

Your business depends on people being able to find you when they need your services.  With a sea of options, what will make you stand out from the crowd?  Do you have the data you need to create a marketing plan to generate a consistent flow of paying customers?  If what you’re doing now isn’t working, you may need to turn your marketing strategy around. 

Get Started

Review Spam

What’s Review Spam and How Does it Affect Your Business?

Google Review Spam

 Have you ever seen local guide icons next to people’s names when they’re referenced on google?  Well, there’s a reason why, and that’s because Google has decided to give rewards to people for leaving reviews.  This helps encourage people to leave reviews for businesses.

Cool, right? People get fast and easy rewards for making fast and easy reviews on their platform. Some of those local guides will go through a list of businesses and rate them.  From 5 stars and below.  It’s great when you get a random 5-star review, but there comes a problem though…..what happens when your business is hit with a bad review from a review spammer that has never visited your business or has never contracted your services?  

The outcome is lowered ratings, and a bad reputation online.  Oh no!! How do we fix it?  There are multiple ways to address it, but if you don’t manage your business online reputation at all, those spam reviews can damage your reputation online and potentially offline when people you’re networking with see bad reviews about you. 

So what do you do?

A. You can leave it alone since you don’t want to rock the google boat (spoiler–not the correct answer)

B. You can address it and report the review

C. If images are allowed, report those as well. 

D. Create a system for addressing review spam and requesting new reviews from actual customers.

The correct answer: D

If you don’t know where to start, iFreshly Digital can help you push the bad reviews down, and get new raving reviews from your customers.  We can help you address the review spam as well so that Google is more likely to take it down.  What are you waiting for?