Community Spotlight on our Founder Erica Vallejo

Community Spotlight on our Founder Erica Vallejo

iFreshly Digital founder, Erica Vallejo talks about her professional journey in this interview by Voyage Austin. She discusses how she grew the business; a process that started with a need to provide for herself and her child and was fueled by her passion for helping businesses reach their ideal clients and desire to be a strong role model to her daughter.  

We are thrilled to align our professional energy with the Cannabis culture we are so passionate about since the article’s publication! 

Joining the cannabis marketing community is more than just an ingenious savvy business move for iFreshly Digital; it represents the alignment of our passion for the Cannabis community and our professional energy.

As the number of recreational marijuana states increases and we know that marijuana legalization is on the horizon for many more of us, we seek to spread awareness about the marijuana plant and destigmatize its consumption!

Read about our journey and let us know about yours in the comments! 

We look forward to connecting!

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